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RE: [OM] FS: the whole kit - I am disconsolate ...

Subject: RE: [OM] FS: the whole kit - I am disconsolate ...
From: "Wayne Harridge" <wayneharridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 00:34:05 +1000
I read an article in an Oz photo magazine about a pro photographer who uses
Nikon F3s, buys used ones (& lenses) and always has some spares, never fixes
them if they break, just replaces them.  Let's face it, if you earn your
living with these things, you just do what you need to do.  There are plenty
of used OM-4Tis for sale, just by a few and use them until they break.
Note, that since I don't earn a living from photography, I might take a
slightly different approach.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 20:10
  To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Subject: Re: [OM] FS: the whole kit - I am disconsolate ...

  I wouldn't call what Olympus was offering for the past several years as
"product support", let's face it, they sucked at it. Ever try to order a
part? Then, of course, every once in a while you'd get that ONE person who
knew what they were doing, and you'd have the item (correct one, too!) in
your hands in five days.

  There's quite a few repair people who can clean a body or lens for you out
there in the world, (there's at least 3 fine ones on this list here) and
many replacement bodies and lenses available thru eBay or camera stores for
years to come. Parts availability is not a problem for an OM-4Ti, and likely
won't be a problem for our lifetime what with all the bodies out there that
can be cannibalized once the factory replacement parts dry up. I think
you're over-reacting, if your gear works fine, use it. If something needs
repair, send it out, just like always... just my 2c

  George S.

  rubydoomsday@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

  Practical matters being what they are - ie.
  being someone who derives income from
  photography and therefore putting MANY
  roles of film through my bodies - I fear that
  the inevitable has happened. I will always
  have to know that I have cost-effective
  access to parts and service support, even if
  the day-to-day use of the system in
  question may not be as enjoyable or

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