The new digital SLR will not be able to use OM lenses. That much has been
admitted by Olympus. Olympus's press release makes it very clear that they
are 'closing the door' on the OM line, it will be serviced for a while, but
not further supported.
We're all speculating on the new 'smaller' size of Olympus's digital SLR,
some of us are imagining 'dainty-sized' lenses, but I think too much emphasis
is being placed on 'smaller'. Smaller than what? I don't see it being smaller
than an E-20 or smaller than an IS-30, but I think what the insiders are
saying as 'smaller' means smaller than say, a Nikon D1 or a Contax N1
digital, but still retaining many features. If Olympus shrinks it smaller
than their own existing cameras, I feel it won't be taken seriously by 'pros'
or 'advanced amateurs'. At a reported price of ~ $1500 it'll have to be at
least close to a full-featured camera, IMO.
George S.
> >My predictions::
> >
> >They are pretty revolutionary and so they will make a digital SLR where the
> >CCD is exactly the same size as the 35mm film, and although it's an AF, it
> >can take an old OM lens, and be MF, thus keeping the most important repeat
> >buyers (That would be us) in the game.. We leverage our old lenses, and
> >they introduce a completely new line of AF lenses... and slowly one by one,
> >we buy the AF's and phase out the MF's that way..