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Re: [OM] 50 1.2 at Cameta et al ...

Subject: Re: [OM] 50 1.2 at Cameta et al ...
From: Tris Schuler <tristanjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 22:19:30 -0700
I guess my message (based only on my limited life experience, admittedly) is that all men are affected by the treatment received at the hands of their friends and neighbors. On a mailing list of this sort, where members come bound by common interest, sense of community tends to run high. whether that sense of community existed or not, and aware full well that I am not my brother's keeper, I am nevertheless keen enough to realize that what happens to him might well presage my own fate. For this reason I keep one ear to the ground and behave accordingly with my neighbor's and my own interests in mind.

Re Cameta specifically: the difference between a reputable businessman and a disreputable businessman ought to be clear beyond the shadow of a doubt. Apparently this distinction is lost on you. The short version runs like this: if Cameta will treat Oben in such a manner then Cameta will treat you in such a manner. To do business with outfits of this breed is to encourage them to continue their shady dealings. A responsible man will therefore sever his ties with the Cameta Cameras of this world.

This is not to say that anyone is obliged to shed a tear for Oben. Oben has his own responsibilities to live up to, and in this case I believe he has not acted responsibly, a point I noted immediately. All of that, however, is beside the point. And if you don't get that by now it's best to leave it there.

That's all.


At 02:48 PM 7/25/01 +0100, you wrote:

I, for one, would love to know how to contact anyone off-list given that the only address shown for list members is the mail list itself. What am I missing?
Look at the header of the message. There is always the originator's address as well as that of the List. Perhaps you have the wrong format selected - in Eudora Pro you can declutter the headers to a certain extent.

I take this story to be true. If any grain of it were true it'd be enough for me. Even had Cameta made it right by fully reimbursing Oben for his monetary investment I'd look on Cameta askance. You don't send a lens that bad to anyone, not under any circumstance. It just doesn't happen. Not with professionals. In this case it is clear to me that Cameta is one dubious concern. How anyone could come away with any other impression is quite beyond me.

I was trying to suggest that I thought that your reaction was rather precipitate given that Cameta had not done *you* any disservice, and that it was on the basis of one bad deal that you would: 1. no longer deal with them; 2. send them a nastygram (copied to the List for our delectation). I have not heard Cameta mentioned in derogatory fashion before now, so "continuing" their "shady practices" is perhaps a little strong.

But to be fair I shall turn it around. Based on Oben's representation here, would you be willing to do business with Cameta Camera tomorrow?

No I would not deal with Cameta unless I could go and look at their goods. It does not affect me because I cannot do business with Cameta given the current exchange rate. The lack of confidence in their goods will soon be reflected in their sales if they are indeed as crooked as you seem to think they are. Each shop has to make its own good will; Cameta's performance does not affect photographers worldwide.

Finally, you are entirely mistaken that this does not affect you. It affects everyone in photography. Wake up!

No, I am not mistaken. In your opinion Cameta is not a good organisation. It is therefore unlikely to be significant in its own country, let alone in the remainder of the camera-selling world.

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