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Re: Collectible OM-3 condition-> was [OM] OM-1(n): mechanical orelectro

Subject: Re: Collectible OM-3 condition-> was [OM] OM-1(n): mechanical orelectronic s...
From: "Kam" <kamm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:25:47 +0800
Hi George,

I'm arguing for the sake of continuing an argument, but think that people are 
talking about collecting OM, not investing in OM.

The 300mm arrived just now.  Thanks.  I'm collecting it for use, for fulfilment 
of a lacuna ... but not for investment :)


  My post was in response to the post "does a  scratch on the baseplate affect 
  it's 'collectible' status"? (somewhat but not much paraphrasing). What you 
  describe above is not collecting for value, it's collecting to actually USE. 
  There is a difference. 

  Yes, of course I agree, but understand what I was referencing- 'collecting' 
  with reference to the item's 'value'. If owning 6 bodies pleases you, fine! 
  Do you NEED 6 bodies- no! 
  We all agree that the OM-1 is a fine mechanical camera, and mechanical 
  cameras are getting 'rare', no? Let's look at the OM-1. 

  OM-1 Price- 1974 -  $192        
  OM-1n Price- 1982 - $159 
  OM-1 (Mint) Price- 2001- (eBay)  $150 - $180 

  OM-3Ti (I know, it's Titanium) Price- 2001 -  $1500 

  I have no idea what an OM-3 will be worth in 20 years, but I sure as hell 
  ain't buying them up as an investment. See my point? There are many many 
  better choices for collectors to collect, than OMs! 

  George S. 
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