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Re: Collectible OM-3 condition-> was [OM] OM-1(n): mechanical orelectro

Subject: Re: Collectible OM-3 condition-> was [OM] OM-1(n): mechanical orelectronic s...
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:12:57 EDT

> Well, different things...first, redundancy is not always redundant. Often,
> I keep different films in different bodies and maintain different sets
> depending on the shooting I am going to do. For example, I do have two
> OM2s/p - one with kodakchrome 25 and one with Ilford PanF 50
> (b/w). Redundant? Hardly - I know of no 35mm, that lets me change film
> mid-roll. My OM4 is equiped with Ilford Delta100 - and so on for
> the other bodies I own. Again, I could probably do with one body if I
> restricted myself to one type of film. For the same reason do I have
> multiple samples of some lenses.

My post was in response to the post "does a  scratch on the baseplate affect 
it's 'collectible' status"? (somewhat but not much paraphrasing). What you 
describe above is not collecting for value, it's collecting to actually USE. 
There is a difference. 

> I take a serious amount of photos for someone who's doing something
> non-photo-related for a living, I enjoy it - and I enjoy having nice tools
> to work with. I have - on last count 6 OM-bodies. It satisfies my needs,
> though it would be nice for some situations with one more. Is that
> collecting? I dunno. I get to travel a lot for my work, and while that is
> annoying it also allowed me to shoot a couple of houndred films last year
> - this year seems to be even more photographic (among other things
> because of a 3 week vacation in an exciting place).
> That said, I am also as most "grown up boys" (Doris, you *are* just a
> "grown up boy" ;) - 'cept that when other such boys go to auto-shows in
> the weekend together to talk abot the next years out-of-reach cars, I
> enjoy talking about my OM's and Zuikos. Boys like toys - my toys are just
> a little smaller (and cheaper) than Corvettes and Jaguars ;)
> Then, that is just my way with the Olympus-gear. I know people, who buy to
> collect - and you know what? That's okay too. So what, if that OM3Ti
> doesn't turn out to become rare in this lifetime? If they have the money
> and they enjoy buying and caring for (maybe displaying?) the camera, then
> that's great ;) If someone buys the cameras to use as a hammer, then
> that's great too. I may choose to do differently myself, but it sure is
> their own choise.
Yes, of course I agree, but understand what I was referencing- 'collecting' 
with reference to the item's 'value'. If owning 6 bodies pleases you, fine! 
Do you NEED 6 bodies- no! 
We all agree that the OM-1 is a fine mechanical camera, and mechanical 
cameras are getting 'rare', no? Let's look at the OM-1.

OM-1 Price- 1974 -  $192       
OM-1n Price- 1982 - $159
OM-1 (Mint) Price- 2001- (eBay)  $150 - $180

OM-3Ti (I know, it's Titanium) Price- 2001 -  $1500

I have no idea what an OM-3 will be worth in 20 years, but I sure as hell 
ain't buying them up as an investment. See my point? There are many many 
better choices for collectors to collect, than OMs!

George S.
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