At 06:35 AM 3/13/2001 -0500, George S. ('classicvw') wrote:
>I think that's what my "duty" was, but my $15 bill was marked something like
>$10 duty, and $5 FedEx fee. Do you have to pay it? What if you ignore it?
I have no idea. I've always paid it, since I know what kind of a pain in the
ass (PITA) it is to schlepp stuff through Customs myself. Seems worth the
bucks to me -- after all, if you want something to clear Customs here in
Edmonton, you actually have to drive out to the secure facility at Edmonton
International Airport (about a 30-minute drive south of the city)! I had to do
this with something I ordered from B&H two summers ago ("large value item"
according to Customs). What a pain.