eBay should allow new bids lower than the high bid.
>Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 11:28:21 -0500
>From: "GSears" <gwsears@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [OM] Lens Hoods (eBay $5k Nikon)
>It should drop the winning bid down to $531 or close to it. The high bid,
>out bid, and withdraw is an old trick if you have two bidders working
>together :-)
>- ----- Original Message -----
>From: <GMcGrath@xxxxxxx>
>To: <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 9:02 AM
>Subject: Re: [OM] Lens Hoods (eBay $5k Nikon)
> > << Wow, that's about all I can say about the following:
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281104748 >>
> >
> > And did you notice that the second-highest bidder (the one who made the
> > jump) retracted his bid? ;-) How'd you like to be Mr. Number 1 and see
> > I think I'd be negotiating with the seller!
Matt BenDaniel mailto:matt@xxxxxxx
Principal Consulting Engineer tel 781.674.5153
eXcelon Corp. fax 781.674.5253
25 Mall Road http://www.exceloncorp.com/
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803 USA