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Fw: I have two [OM] OM-30 autofocus lens

Subject: Fw: I have two [OM] OM-30 autofocus lens
From: "Samuel Morales" <dolphans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:05:37 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthea Craig 
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 9:44 AM
Subject: [OM] OM-30 autofocus lens
The OM 35-70mm auto focus lens is old technology.  This lens can do something 
your newer auto focus cameras can't.  They can auto focus or power focus on a 
manual camera.(i.e.any OM body)  The lens has a built-in CCD cell that detects 
if the subject is in focus and the camera(OM-F , OM-30) will not fire until the 
CCD cell assures the subject is in focus.  Not many know this  , but this was 
the first true one touch auto-focus SLR. If your using the  OM-30 or OM-F 
camera body (both bodies are same , OM-30 was oversea's version) with a motor 
drive or winder , with an in focus trigger cord  the auto-focus lens will 
actually wait until the subject is in focus before the camera will fire.
The newer auto-focus allows some lee-way.  They will fire if subject is in 
focus or not.  I beleive the term was called fuzzy-logic focus (for the newer 
auto focus) vs the zero on focus for the Olympus.  Photographers would complain 
that they were missing there action shot because of the delay of the zero on 
focus.  It didn't matter that perhaps that picture may have been out of focus , 
they wanted the camera to fire regardless to give them a sense of control.
Newer Auto-focus is also not full proof.  Sometimes the auto-focus lenses will 
get confused and back focus or focus on the wrong area.  So , I guess nothing 
is 100 0.000000ull proof.  Moreover , Olympus no longer carries some parts to 
the lens and or the camera body.  So , in my opinion the lens and the bodies 
are more of a sleeper collectible. (not many peolple know that much about 
them.)  If you happen to drop the camera with that heavy lens , the camera and 
the lens are very likely to become toast or paper weight.  If your looking for 
a camera  you want to use in a proffesion , go for the newer auto-focus and use 
your Olympus collectible , from time to time , with care of course , to shoot 
stuff for leisure.  
Take Care , Sam ... dolphans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have an OM-30 OMF on the other side of the pond) and I am trying to get hold 
of the 35~70mm AF F4 lens for it.  I have read the discussions in your 
archives, but there wasn't any owners opinion.  Does anyone have any experience 
of using this
lens & camera combination?  I am unsure what to expect compared to a modern
autofocus SLR in terms of speed & accuracy and the trade off in terms of cost 
between buying this lens or trading up to a new camera.  I would be grateful 
for any

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