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Re: [OM] more OM-5 wish lists

Subject: Re: [OM] more OM-5 wish lists
From: Tomoko Yamamoto <tomokoy@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 23:28:23 -0800
I have been happy with my OM-4T using it regularly for the past 8 years.  I
am not interested in having all-automatic or even partially auto-something,
but this evening I asked myself if there are anything I don't like about
taking photographs with my 4T.  I came up with an idea or two for

1.  I don't like to load the camera with a new roll of film by opening the
back in the field.  It would be nice if I don't have to open the camera
that much.  So I would like to be able to drop a roll of film and the
camera will automatically wind to the first frame.  This fall I was taking
photographs by a stream a lot.  In one particular instance I had to take a
few shots with a camera at a very low position at a sandy area. I recall
worrying about the possibility of getting sand in the camera.  

2. I am a poor note taker of data with each shot.  If the camera can put
the exposure info of each of the shots into its memory and I can retrieve
it later, this would be nice.  Would a digital back do such a wonder? 

 In the interim, I would like to propose that Olympus develop software for
HPC or PalmPilot (?) which might be called "Olympus Photographer's
Assistant."  This software can record such data as:
a. date and time of each of roll placed in the camera
b. weather at the time, cloudy, sunny, windy etc.  (in my case these are
important thing to note) 
c. OM/Olympus Body  (you click to make a selection from OM-1 ------to OM-X)
c. Lens (software has a data bank of all the Oly lenses, off-brand you have
to enter manually!)
d. Mid-roll change of lens would be noted.
e. Film ISO rating and setting used
f. Exposure info on each frame.
g. Easy way of entries for bracketed shots and a series of shots on winder/md
h. Use of tripod, flash, winder, motor drive, etc.

It might be that Olympus would develop this in collaboration with one of
HPC or Palm Pilot manufacturers.  Software may be available separately or
bundled with hardware. 

According to the Olympus Web site, the company has ultimate automation of
the camera as one of its goals.  I noticed the word "the electronic camera
system".  Since film provides better resolution for the foreseeable future,
I think Olympus should develop some peripheral automatic tools for the
photographer when they use the OM system.  


Tomoko Yamamoto
Photographer, Composer, Soprano
-All the photos (except panorama) with OM's-
-Olympus Equipment Classifieds-

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