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Re: [OM] Eyecup 2 for OM -2 diopter

Subject: Re: [OM] Eyecup 2 for OM -2 diopter
From: John Hermanson <jhermanson21@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 12:38:00 -0400
As I recall, the OM body eyepiece lens is equivalent to a minus -.5.   I
think that's right, maybe others can jump in.  So you might need a minus
1.5 to get minus 2.  I have a couple of Eyecup 1, modified for UPI, with
the bottom cut of so you can open camera back without removing eyecup, All
have +2 diopters, cut and epoxied in.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 10:06 PM MICHAEL GORDON via olympus <
olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Anyone have one for sale or know where to obtain one?
> Esteemed list member and good friend Moose is visiting and decided it was
> a true Zuiko time.  My vision has changed and the -4 EC-2 doesn’t work on
> my favorite OM-2.   I had neglected this as the 4T has the diopter
> adjustment too.  I vaguely recall the OM optics result in less correction
> than the diopter listed on the package so am not sure about which one is
> best if my eyeglass correction is -2.   My previous 2 versions (one for
> Marnie's) were from Bill Barber but I have been unable to reach him.
> I have been temporizing by using my non dominant eye with no EC.
> Thanks for any help.
> Mike
> --
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John Hermanson
Camtech Photo Services, Inc.
21 South Lane
Huntington, NY  11743-4714
www.zuiko.com   : | :  jhermanson21@xxxxxxxxx
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