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Re: [OM] Any interest here for a NOS Nikon mount Tamron 14mm f2.8 SP AF

Subject: Re: [OM] Any interest here for a NOS Nikon mount Tamron 14mm f2.8 SP AF NOS, Product 69EN. Brand new in box, even includes zippered lens cap. I bought this just before I left Tamron. Peeling focus scale (prominent in most samples ) has been fixed. Be aware that Tamron stopped fixing these years ago (no parts) so though it is new, it should be treated well. USA only, $340 includes S&H in the United States.. Thought I'd ask here first.
From: Mark Kronquist <mak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:09:36 -0700
OM Film Mount?

> On Jul 17, 2024, at 3:49 PM, John Hermanson <jhermanson21@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> -- 
> John Hermanson
> Camtech Photo Services, Inc.
> 21 South Lane
> Huntington, NY  11743-4714
> www.zuiko.com   : | :  jhermanson21@xxxxxxxxx
> -- 
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