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Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?

Subject: Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?
From: Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 21:19:55 +0100
Which you plan to use until it breaks? Keep in mind that whatever you
decide on, it will be obsolete within a couple of years, and possibly
unrepairable a couple of years later (should it need repair, not an
experience I have ever had with an Olympus digital).

My vote would go to the EM-1 iii, with useful computational photography
facilities, without being hugely bestowed with them. Such as the EM-1X
(which I have) or the OM-1 (which I do not have) which are, no doubt,
exceptionally capable cameras, the full capabilities of which I could not
hope to exploit!

An EM-1 ii would also be on the short list - but you need to consider the
lenses too.


On Sat, 18 May 2024, 20:21 Paul Haigney, <lensmanten@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm not fully up to speed on the latest & greatest digital offerings
> from Olympus & competitors so some advice required.
> I currently have a Canon digital EOS 40D slr with a selection of lenses,
> A Kodak Pixpro AZ901 bought during lockdown for astro shots from my back
> garden & an Olympus Pen E-pl1 with 14-42 lens, what OM digital body
> should I be looking at bearing in mind I plan to use it until it breaks
> or I kick the bucket whichever comes first.....thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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