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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 09:22:09 -0700
At 1/25/2024 10:23 PM, mOOse wrote:
>This year's amaryllis has put up three flower stalks!
>The first one was kinda short and has now collapsed. I took the opportunity to 
>do some play with lenses for overall rendering and bokeh. 
>All three are hand stacks. Lots of spots from the dirty window on the natural 
>bokeh samples. I didn't worry about that, as blurring was anticipated.
>Tastes will vary as to which is "best".
>A different test n process . . .
>Mixed Results Moose

There seems to be a halo effect around two of the top ones.
Is that from the stacking?
What is different between TTArtisan 100/2.8 and the original below?
Same for Nikon NewSoft filter?

I guess I'm not quite clear on what you did?
I vote for TTArtisan Ogitinal bokeh.

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