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Re: [OM] New gear to be announced from OM dig

Subject: Re: [OM] New gear to be announced from OM dig
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:20:13 -0800
On 1/23/2024 2:14 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
I hope the 15-600 is not just a mount swap Sigma FF version, nice as it is.

I'd guess a further development of the 100-400, just change the formula a little and upsize things, minimal development, compared to a new lens. And there might come the rub. To get the same speed, as OMS says, it has to grow. 150/5 is, by definition, 50% greater in diameter than 100/5, and volume/mass rises even faster.

Another possibility that requires minimal development could be a downgrade from the existing 150-400 Pro lens. Simple calculation says 400/4.5 is very close in diameter to 600/6.3. Release the constant aperture PRO thing, drop the built-in TC . . .

The size/design would not them be optimized for MFT.  It is difficult to assess the 
advantages of the OM-1-mkII with the same sensor and processor.  Why not a firmware 
upgrade for the OM-1 instead?

One possibility is a legal need to drop the Olympus name by date X. Stick in some modest computational bits, relabel and call it new.

We shall see.

As you say, all will be revealed - eventually.

If they allow starry sky AF and keep the focus on the sky with HHHR mode even 
if the sky doesn't predominate, might have to trade up.


I wonder what they might do to the now rather venerable 9-18 mm. I had one for quite a while, but never really got along with it. One thing was ergonomic, requiring a button push to collapse it. The Panny design of their tiny collapsing lenses just use a stiff stop. Also, of course, 14mm eq. is just a lot wider than 18mm eq. OTOH, the Panny 7-14 is larger and twice the weight.

Big news or no news?

Big news if it causes the folks nattering about the decline/demise of µ4/3 to stop that. Having a second gen OM-1 might help there, too.

Big News Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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