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Re: [OM] OT: Throttled speed on ethernet extender

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Throttled speed on ethernet extender
From: Paul Haigney <lensmanten@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:43:52 +0000
Apart from doing commercial photography on the side for several years back in the day whilst my day job was in IT & netcomms so I still keep abreast of things, got 1GB fibre in a few months

ago & whilst I knew I wouldn't achieve that speed in real life I used this to negotiate a 1/2 price 12mth plan @ €42 per mth incl phone with the assurance I can haggle again when the 12th plan is finished, we have lots of competitors in the ISP market here in Ireland & the threat of switching suppliers always works.

On 11/01/2024 15:19, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 1/11/2024 08:10 AM, I wrote:
At 1/11/2024 02:47 AM, Paul wrote:
I always use the supplied modem/router in bridge mode & allow my own router to 
handle everything, In my experience the company supplied equipment isn't great.
I would be very cautious with this approach...

At one time I tried to use bridge mode in order to use my own Linux router. 
Unfortunately that bridge mode essentially told the internet I was wide open on 
all ports, so my custom Linux router on the other side was swamped.

I would think twice about what bridge mode does for the supplied router.
PS, I am on cable now. My solution instead of bridge mode was: to buy my own 
Motorola docsis cable modem and have my Linux router directly connected, and 
not tell the world all my doors are wide open.

If one is forced to use company supplied router, I would suggest working with 
it. Some often have a tech support port open and cannot be disabled. I'm in the 
Schnozz nerdy camp.


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