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[OM] OM-4Ti shutter button troubleshooting

Subject: [OM] OM-4Ti shutter button troubleshooting
From: Iwert Bernakiewicz <iwert.bcz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 16:19:26 +0200
Hello everybody,

Peeking out of lurking mode with a mechanical question:

I got hold of a rather nice laboratory OM-4Ti. With a cable release the
camera works flawlessly, but when I use the shutter button the shutter
releases only very intermittently. It takes several 'hard' touches to get
the shutter to release. So I suppose something might be going on in between
shutter button and the mechanism. I'm rather handy, but know the OM-4 is
not for the faint hearted to work on. Can I dream of a simple fix, or is
there maybe something bent in there (I think the camera was maybe used in
an automated set-up where something mechanized pushed the shutter, the
button has small indentation marks.).

Any ideas welcome!

All the best from Belgium,

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