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[OM] W10 updates

Subject: [OM] W10 updates
From: Brian Gray via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 21:51:49 +0100
Cc: Brian Gray <bsg017@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Chris wrote"  if anyone has a guaranteed way of stopping these automatic
Win10 updates, I would really like to know. Nothing found online works".

According to Settings/updates you can block updates for a 35 day period,
although you then have to accept them.  Would this help?

This machine is running on W10 and I have not noticed any significant
delays recently.
My 9 year old laptop, also on W10, is a different matter.

Perhaps a newer mobo and cpu would help you Chris?


PS:  I also first hit a keyboard (linked to GEIS) in 1967 and used punched
cards with Fortran later.
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