On 8/14/2023 6:50 PM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 8/14/2023 03:43 PM, you wrote:
Water Dog; Shih Tzu, I
Wet Zoo Moose
Cool zoo. What is arising up in the dog?
The "water sculptures" are actually high shutter speed shots of small water fountains. The thing you ask about is a
small glass thingie (out of a broken Galileo thermometer), floating in the fountain.
On 8/15/2023 5:34 PM, MICHAEL GORDON via olympus wrote:
Berkeley water seems to harbor more virtual critters than South Hamilton. Are
you going to clarify their origin? Are they composed of dark matter?
In the dark, Mike
Actually, well water, outside Fort Bragg, CA.
Fiat Lux Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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