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Re: [OM] Brian Swale

Subject: Re: [OM] Brian Swale
From: "C.H.Ling" <ch_photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 23:57:42 +0800
I'm very sorry to hear the news, just catching up with Facebook while visiting my young son in Kingston Canada.

Looking at my archival, we had some direct email communications since 2002 and we are also Facebook friend. It is so sad to see an old friend leaving us.


On 25/7/2023 19:03, Wayne Harridge wrote:

I received the following Facebook post from Brian Swale's daughter:

" We are sad to let you all know that Dad (Brian Swale) passed away on
Saturday night in Ripponburn Hospital.  Brian passed peacefully after a
sudden illness.  We will keep you all updated on events happening this week.
Thank you."

Brian was a long time member of this list and great supporter of Olympus
cameras - I don't think he ever had a camera that wasn't Olympus!


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