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Re: [OM] Wishes and M42 adapter for FTL Zuiko's

Subject: Re: [OM] Wishes and M42 adapter for FTL Zuiko's
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 23:04:30 +0100
Op vr 13 jan. 2023 om 15:42 schreef Wayne Shumaker

> As for the FTL OM M42 lens, most all my m42 lenses have the Auto pin and
> it has never been a problem with the adapters.

Olympus (of course) used their own system for the FTL, with a fixed pin in
a different location:


Since it is fixed on the diaphragm ring, using a m42 adapter with a thicker
ring (surface) doesn't work: the lens can't screw in completely and the
diaphragm ring is stuck.

> I'm curious if the G. Zuiko FTL lens is the same as the OM mount early G.
> Zuiko lens.

I will test that later, with the 50/1.8, 135/3.5 and 200/4

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