On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 11:41 AM Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Based on a recommendation by His Mooseness, I generally dial -0.3 in
on every m43 camera as well as the A7ii. This has worked exceptionally
well for me and that 1/3 of a stop is exactly what I need in Lightroom
to give me the highlight contour I need.
Used to do -.7 on E-1 and then gradually vered off and went with 0 on
later E and came back to -.7 on the E-5, though I was skeptical of value at
times. EM-1 images just look better to me at -.7, for the most part.
However, when it comes to flowers, and LED lighting... Oh my...
What I've found is the closer the subject color is to the RGB sensor
colors, the more likely I'm going to get extremely offputting
saturation and unusable pictures. Especially in the reds. I've had to
exposure-compensate as much as -2.0 stops on tulips and roses if they
are in sunlight. This isn't a metering issue, as I know how to meter.
This is a Bayar array issue and how the whole base algorithm works.
So saith Ctein and Moosie. So far I haven't gotten a -2 EV shot to work
with my post process. Levels middle slider does most of the heavy lifting,
easy on the right one. I can get the reds looking sort of even-ish, but
the background is very unattractive to me, and there is no longer a natural
feel in the lighting. Generally, a less extreme bracket works better for
my taste. I think a -1.3 has worked out OK.