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[OM] [OT] Ice

Subject: [OM] [OT] Ice
From: Willie Wonka via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2022 19:43:47 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: Willie Wonka <alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx>
 I seem to remember a discussion from about ten years ago with regards blue 
I am following Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Facebook and today they 
posted a good explanation along with a video on the subject which I found to be 
right to the point.
For those without FB account:
"Why am I so blue? Blue ice, shown here as a chunk of glacial ice in the 
#LemaireChannel in #Antarctica, gets its color due to how the ice is absorbing 
#light.When snow first falls on #glaciers, it is filled with air bubbles, but 
as it gets buried and squashed underneath younger ice, the older ice becomes 
denser with its air bubbles shrinking and ice crystals enlarging.When 
uncovered, due to summer melting or when the glacier tumbles in the sea, the 
light hitting the older ice penetrates more deeply with the red and yellow 
bands of the light spectrum absorbed and the blue light reflected. #blueice 
...and for those with FB account:


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