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Re: [OM] Opinion needed, please

Subject: Re: [OM] Opinion needed, please
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 22:02:37 -0700
On 6/29/2021 9:10 PM, Paul Braun wrote:
Actually, you lot may be the wrong people to ask...

You may remember that a couple of years ago near the end of our trip to Rome/cruise through Greece that my trusty E-M5 ceased to live. It just shut down and wouldn't come back. I've tried a hard reset, but no go. I finished out our last day in Rome with my iPhone.

In late 2019 I picked up a shiny new E-M5 mkIII, which is still clicking away. But that original E-M5 is still sitting on the shelf, looking forlornly at me.

I believe at the time, it was mentioned that for a $250 flat fee, Oly would 
refurb it and bring it back to life.

The family CFO asked why I needed two cameras and questioned my wisdom. I explained that it's always good to have a spare body, and that the original camera does a few tricks that the new one doesn't, including letting me use the extended battery grip that Oly stubbornly refuses to even consider for the mkIII.

They want to sell you an E-M1x.

Plus, the screen flips up the right way for ground-level shooting. The look I got seemed to indicate my explanation didn't exactly justify my reasoning.

Am I crazy,

Yes, but that's a GOOD thing! 😉

And not relevant to the question at hand. I can't imagine traveling with only one body*. Failure, and both the poor lenses and the subjects lose, let alone you. 😁

or is it worth sending the original body back in for some TLC?

If they will still do that for that price, it's a bargain. If not, you can get 
an EX or better E-M5 II for not much more.

Cheap Advice Moose

* May I assume you understand that, had you had two bodies, neither would have failed. Perhaps the CFO doesn't understand some Laws of the Universe? 😁

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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