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Re: [OM] Laowa announces second chipped MFT lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Laowa announces second chipped MFT lens
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 19:43:59 -0500
Nathan and Wayne,

"Country of origin" stigmas and pride have been cyclic in my lifetime.  Before WWII, "Made in Japan" was a joke, most often seen on dime-store merchandise.  After WWII, there was "Made in Occupied Japan", and quality began to improve. Following the Korean War, as GIs brought back goods from PX sales in Japan, people began to take notice of the quality of the merchandise, such as Nikon cameras and other copies of European products. This was not lost on other Asian countries, nor on American manufacturers seeking to lower production costs.

In December of 2019 when I gave up on Windows computers, my son wrote the specs for the Apple iMac that I wanted and I placed the order, knowing that it would be made in China.  When I got the shipping information, I tracked the air freight flight using FlightAware, from Singapore through Anchorage to Louisville, KY and then from there to my home by ground transportation, not concerned about where the computer was made, but convinced by Apple's reputation for excellence.

Not all products have fared as well.  I still drive a 2007 Volvo V70, one of the final models made in Sweden. I don't know the minute details, but my maintenance manager says most Volvos are now made in Asia, and don't show the quality level of the Swedish products.  Mine will certainly outlast me.

On 6/11/21 6:38 PM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 6/11/2021 02:34 PM, you wrote:

Thanks. So it is, as I suspected, one of the many Chinese companies producing 
cheap lenses.

Nathan Wajsman
I recall a time when we referred to "cheap Japanese" stuff. Now MIJ lenses are a premium and usually desired. So who knows. 
Quality is quality. I don't have a "made in China" iPhone, but rather a "made in Thailand" Sony Xperia. I do have a 
"made in China" Sony 24-105/4 lens that is very good. My GX9 is "made in China"... Some X-T4s are "made in 
China"... I suspect a lot of stuff is made in China and now re-labeled or assembled elsewhere to get around tariffs.

Made in Missouri - WayneS

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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