At 3/8/2021 04:38 PM, Mike wrote:
>WayneS writes:
><<These are nice. I particularly like the dew drops. A rare event here in AZ.
><<As for stacking, PS can take hours when artifacts are involved. I spent over
><<hours once on a 10 stack cactus flower shot trying to fix artifacts. It
><<convinced me to switch to Helicon Focus. Besides having 3 modes of stacking,
><<there are sliders to tweak the stacking. You can fix a few artifacts with PS
><<but cactus needles can create many. And if you do a serious stack of 20-30
><<images, fixing PS artifacts become impossible.
>Thanks for the comments Wayne. I usually do more complex stacking with Zerene
>Stacker (ZS) on tiff files. More similarities than differences with
>Helicon focus. The version of ZS I have strips the exif but I put I have to
>fuss with exif anyway with Big Foot so I don't want to pony up the extra dosh
>for Prosumer version. The stacking results are no different. Oly auto focus
>bracketing usually works but oddly no auto focus bracket on Sonnie anyways.
>CV lenses are MF anyway and that is easy enough inside but not with critters.
>Deep stacks do better with their Pmax algorithm vs DMap in ZS but usually
>best to try both and pick the best features of each. Often it is faster to
>clean up halos using a Dmap with high contrast threshold than to use the
>individual frames but both methods work.
>When one can see the transition area, can re-stack with the larger "smoothing
>radius" and use that to fix the area or just blend it in in PS. Only some
>pixel peepers really notice that---you know who you are . ;-) (You would
>be correct if thinking about our august listee, largest member of the cervidae
>family, Alces americanus.) It is very imp't to clean up the halo artifacts
> It can take longer to PP the images than taking them.
>I miss a few dings here and there still and usually save the .psd files as
>strike hand on forehead and wonder how the problem was missed in the first
Now I remember this discussion and I looked into Zerene Stacker. It looks
comparable to Helicon focus.
A walk around my yard does not yield too much with such a dry year. Especially
compared to last year. So I enjoy seeing what others do have.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: