I remember memorizing all of this Chris :
along with the compositions and characteristics of various steels, alloys, etc,
and so much more of technie stuff, in the very early 70’s.
As already said here, I also operated this kind of machines
And others such as
All of which, I’ve never used afterwards, I mean in my real professional life
Mind your fingers all the same :-)
> Le 26 déc. 2020 à 14:13, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> I've been sharpening drills by hand for longer than I can remember. The
> term "It's all in the wrist" is exactly right when it comes to doing this as
> you need to turn the drill and change the angle to get the proper relief.
> It's a bit tricky.
> I also sharpen hand saws, which can be equally demanding depending on how
> badly the saw has been abused. I lucked out at a flea market decades ago and
> came away with a cast iron Diston bench holder.
> And chisels, planes, carving tools, axes, chain saws, etc.
>> Which leaves you a few days before getting hurt, or am I mistaken?
>> Good nooz then :-)
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