I had a recent sale of image through Alamy. Their web site gives me
these details of the sale -
Country: Germany
Usage: Editorial
Media: Newspaper - national
Print run: up to 25,000
Placement: Inside
Image Size: 1 page
Start: 01 September 2020
End: 02 September 2020
and the value of the sale is shown as US$13.54. This seemed a low
amount for a full page in a national newspaper, even with a small
circulation, so I put the above details into their web site and got a
quote of 205 Euros (about US$245). Alamy say that the difference is
because this was a sale made through the distribution scheme.
Their web site says about the distribution scheme, "The commission is
different because there's a third party involved. Opt in and you'll
get 30% of the sale (we receive 30% and our distributors get 40%)."
This doesn't explain why the image is seemingly being sold at a 94%
discount. Alamy are now saying that distributors "charge what they
think to be a competitive price in their market". If distributors can
offer such discounts, why would anyone buy directly from Alamy?
Has anyone else had problems like this?
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