At 11/28/2020 10:58 PM, Wayne Hwrote:
>No idea about what your asking, I use jAlbum which works ok for me.
>I highly recommend ICDsoft, I've been with them for years and only had a few
>problems but if you do have a problem their support is excellent and fast.
Thanks, jAlbum is definitely along the lines of what I am looking for. It was
bit of an open ended question.
One thing I like in an online photo album is the ability to zoom in to higher
resolution and pan around. One sample did not seem to allow that while another,
panorama sample did. So far it looks promising.
I have been with ICDsoft since 2002 and agree (they started in 2001). The only
significant issue I have had is accessing the email server when in Grand
Cayman, for which I had set up an SSH tunnel back to my home server, to then
access email from my home IP address. And all my internet activity was seen as
coming from the my home IP address. Try doing online banking when traveling to
another country and "suspect" IP locations.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: