Wolfes is a nice place, friendly helpful people, really too good to be located
in the worst town in the state. So nice to go somewhere where you can actually
handle something.
Although I'm not a supporter of GAS, I hope you enjoy the trip. If you get
something, I would sure like to see it.
Bill Pearce
From: olympus <> on behalf of
dhurley1@xxxxxxx <dhurley1@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 10:36 PM
To: 'Olympus Camera Discussion'
Subject: Re: [OM] GAS
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of Wichita State University. Do not
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the
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For the record,
Wolfe's started 1924, just over 96 years ago.
Daryl Hurley
Topeka, KS
-----Original Message-----
From: olympus <> On Behalf
Of Bob Benson
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 9:19 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] GAS
I've been exchanging notes with AG on GAS ... and I thought you'all might be
interested and offer any insights. I said to Ken:
you know, I'm actually moving in a completely unrealistic direction. I
recently got a little estate money, which my CFO/COO/CEO agrees is mine to
spend (this, of course, is an unrealistic position that can't stand the
passage of time ...). So I've been thinking, how to waste this opportunity ?
I think I have four possibilities. 1) spend it on the house (e.g.,
CFO/COO/CEO ...) 2) A Fuji mid-range beast with a couple of lenses. 3) A
couple of premium m 43 Zuiko (e.g., 40-150, 100-400) 4) the biggest/baddest
Sony and a couple of lenses. The problem, of course, is that this is GAS at
its worst (or best, depending on perspective) -- I'm completely happy with
what I already have (Oly). This comes down to the 12-100 and the 7-9 ...
who needs anything else ? Although the 45 and 75 has some appeal, maybe a
1.2. But would I ever use them ?
As I said to Ken, the fun is thinking about it, maybe going up to Wolfe's
in Topeka -- a really wonderful old-time photo shop that's been there for,
perhaps, 100 years - and get hands-on. Again, the fun of it.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: