For the record,
Wolfe's started 1924, just over 96 years ago.
Daryl Hurley
Topeka, KS
-----Original Message-----
From: olympus <> On Behalf
Of Bob Benson
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 9:19 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] GAS
I've been exchanging notes with AG on GAS ... and I thought you'all might be
interested and offer any insights. I said to Ken:
you know, I'm actually moving in a completely unrealistic direction. I
recently got a little estate money, which my CFO/COO/CEO agrees is mine to
spend (this, of course, is an unrealistic position that can't stand the
passage of time ...). So I've been thinking, how to waste this opportunity ?
I think I have four possibilities. 1) spend it on the house (e.g.,
CFO/COO/CEO ...) 2) A Fuji mid-range beast with a couple of lenses. 3) A
couple of premium m 43 Zuiko (e.g., 40-150, 100-400) 4) the biggest/baddest
Sony and a couple of lenses. The problem, of course, is that this is GAS at
its worst (or best, depending on perspective) -- I'm completely happy with
what I already have (Oly). This comes down to the 12-100 and the 7-9 ...
who needs anything else ? Although the 45 and 75 has some appeal, maybe a
1.2. But would I ever use them ?
As I said to Ken, the fun is thinking about it, maybe going up to Wolfe's
in Topeka -- a really wonderful old-time photo shop that's been there for,
perhaps, 100 years - and get hands-on. Again, the fun of it.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: