At 10/17/2020 03:05 PM, Mike wrote:
>Major kudos to His Mooseness for performing the experiment!! Perhaps he
>should cross post on the alt lens forum on FM where many of the c/y lens users
>I think the subject perhaps should have been larger and more items at
>intermediate distance to enhance the 3D effect. Mid apertures at
>mid-distances seem to be key, which was done. The lens has a significant
>amount of field curvature which seems to be a plus for the 3D effect as it
>can be negated by aspheric elements with flat field.
>In any event the lens clearly has more microcontrast and is a competent
>landscape lens today even on high megapickel sensors. The macro mode on it is
>convenient but not the main attraction of the lens.
>I first purchased it with my OM 5DII and it obliterated the "L" Canyon 24-105
>for landscapes. I think one can PP many of its qualities in but it is usually
>superior to have them intrinsic to the lens.
Thanks Mike for the images and a reminder to myself. I have not been
adventurous enough since moving to AZ to get to Utah for exploration. Perhaps
this spring. I guess a lot of people's travel plans have been altered lately. I
may not ride a horse, though, instead opting to bring my mtn or gravel bike.
>A few decent images from the c/y 35-70 in this thread:
>I think it is less compelling to purchase the lens in 2020, but it remains no
>slouch. Fred on FM posted comprehensive crops comparing it to the GM 24-70
>and it held its own with Greater microcontrast at mid apertures and
>for reasons unclear to me seemed to suffer less diffraction softening at F11.
>A remarkable performance for a lens of its vintage. The MTF at 35mm is
>slightly less stellar, but good enough for most purposes and the
>micro-contrast and nice rendering remain.
>May the IG continue to inspect, Mike
Some more images from this review.
Down a ways in this review, (case 1 and 2) is an image with a vase. The 70mm
one stands out more. I wonder if the widest aperture of only 3.4 renders a
quality to the bokeh that adds to the 3d effect? as compared to much faster
lenses. As Moose has noted, and Mike suggested, 5.6 seems a common F-stop for
the effect. Is that an affect on background, or just optimal sharpness of the
lens, or both? Again, in Moose's example I don't notice much bokeh difference
except with the 35mm Tamron version, given the lighting variation.
Reading FMiranda and this review, plus Moose's efforts, have quelled my GAS
curiosity for this lens. Thank you. But now I want to test some of my new
acquisitions. With the insight that wide open might not be the optimum. And a
suitable background? lot's of variables.
Another interesting feature of this Zeiss lens, from the review, is very little
green/magenta fringing near the plane of focus. Something I notice with many of
my other sharp lenses. Could this be an additional characteristic for 3Dness?
Mostly I see in Moose's image is the distinct rendering of detail with the
Zeiss. Which makes me curious if some other sharp lens comparisons might
challenge the 35-70 better than the Tamron or OM lenses? I don't notice any
fringe affects in Moose's images with any of the lenses, just better detail
with the Zeiss.
expensive curiosity - WayneS
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