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Re: [OM] OT: Automotive Rant

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Automotive Rant
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2020 12:32:07 -0700
On 10/9/2020 9:27 AM, Philippe wrote:
They’d be wrong Jim if they did so and poorly trained mechanics - oil (and by 
the way gas as well) degrades over time.

Gas, yes

Oil, no. Is there an expiration date on that container of new oil? No. Oil is shelf stable over many, many years. Then I put it in an engine that isn't used for years. What has changed that would cause it to deteriorate?

I did some web research on this. Our Mercedes Sprinter has this smart oil life calculator. One day, based on time, mileage, temps, etc., it says the oil is good for, say,  another 7,000 miles. The next day, is says it needs to be changed right away, because it's been in there a year.

The old x,000 miles or one year rule is based on an unstated assumption, that the car has been used regularly, but for only very short trips, the kind that are hardest on engine and oil.

In the case of an RV, which sits idle most of the time, then runs up most of its miles on hours long trips, that assumption is invalid. Also invalid for a car that has been in storage.

Ask anyone with a chainsaw or a lawn-mower that only occasionally runs why they 
nevertheless service them regularly, and empty the tank before storage.

That's easy, because they have been taught to do so. True for two cycle, true 
for gas, not for four cycle oil.

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