At 6/22/2020 05:07 PM, Moose wrote:
>As to lenses, another reason I have a Panny is that my favorite lenses are
>Panny, PLeica 12-60 and 100-400. I DO NOT LIKE the Oly 12-100. In addition to
>just not getting along with it in some general way, closest focus @ 12 mm is a
>disaster for anyone shooting flower, bugs, anything close. Did I mention
>Apparently, there are lots of people who like it. :-)
I see there are people who like the 12-100/4. What about close focus at 100mm?
I'm curious. Was this with lens on the Pany or an Oly? I did pull the trigger
on a used GX9 over the E-M5. So lenses are on the menu.
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