I've been playing around with a recently acquired 600mm Vivitar Solid Cat.
Looking through it the images appear very sharp but camera shake is a bear.
Need to dig in the E-620 manual to figure out how to pre-fire the mirror.
On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 3:36 PM Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 5/7/2020 7:32 AM, Jim Nichols wrote:
> > After seeing the detail in your image with the 100-400, I went back and
> tried all of my post-processing tricks on
> > another image, and the details are just not there.
> Yup
> > Here is the best I could do.
> >
> > http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20200506-P5061444.JPG.html
> Nice improvement, but still, no cigar. :-)
> > I agree with you. I may reconsider the 100-400.
> In fairness, I should mention that there are an Oly 300/4 lens and a Panny
> 200/2.8 with 1.4x teleconverter (=280 mm) out
> there. My guess is that the first is likely better than the 100-400, at
> its single FL and the Panny with extender as
> good, but I have no way to know.
> My general experience has been that FL wins, with subjects smaller that
> frame filling.
> I'm simply uninterested in such single FL lenses for general use. It's
> pretty frustrating having 300 mm, when I need 200.
> As far as shooting the moon goes, resolution is ultimately limited by
> atmospheric movement. I've shot it with a 1000/11
> mirror lens, and I don't think I captured more detail than in this shot. I
> looked at combining exposures for more
> detail. Stacking shots in layers and flipping between them, whole section
> of the surface MOVED between shots. It's
> refraction through moving cells of air.
> Zoomy Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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