AG (invariant) Schnozz writes:
<<The extended low ISO is almost always going to lose one stop of DR. I
<<would only use it if you need it for exposure control and an ND filter
<<is not available or practical.
<<Base ISO varies on the sensor and sensor design. Most of the sensors
<<now have around ISO 200 for base ISO. In reality, it's probably
<<anywhere from ISO 100 to 400, but the engineers and marketing
<<department have tuned it to 200. Ten years ago, the bulk of the
<<sensors were at ISO 100 for base ISO. Again, give or take a healthy
Thanks for thinking about this and commenting.
Yes, that is the conventional thought on base ISO explained better than I did.
Camera ISO is not "real ISO" has been known for awhile. I recall the hacks in
CHDK and Magic Lantern I think would give "real ISO" as well as Raw Zebras if
you want them.
The new firmware is supposed to do something to handle detail better at
extended low ISO's--only for jpegs as I recall. I dug a little deeper and the
DXO graphs show DR the same with the extended low ISO (Hmmmm?) --they measure
it a peculiar way though.
See below: SNR is a tad better, though lose one stop of headroom but gain one
stop or so in the shadows.
"Headroom is the difference between the camera's 18% grey level and maximum
output (4095-255=3840 or 11.9 EV). For the normal ISO range the average
headroom is 4.1 stops. For the low range it drops to around 2.4 stops. Total
noise is higher in the low ISO range, but the signal level increases even more
so the Signal/Noise Ratio continues to improve."
So if expose for highlights carefully, perhaps the extended low ISO is a tad
better? Capturing more photons can not be a bad thing in general. I can see
the noise at base ISO with my Oly though it is essentially nonexistent with my
Not sure what to tell Marnie yet or if it is worth fussing with, even if
theoretically better.
Pondering, Mike
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