Thanks, Mike, I’d love to see them.
> On 26 Aug 19, at 20:59, Mike Lazzari <watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, you are right....or left as you turn left after coming up Glen Etive. :)
> Go a short ways west. At the Meeting of Waters at the head of Glen Coe. So
> not actually River Coe. Not Coire Gabhail and Geárr Aonach. Robin and I
> hiked up there in 2014. <
> <>>
> So it would be Beinn Fhada right (also shown as Buachaille Etive Beag) and
> Buachaille Etive Mor left. So somewhere near here:
> <,-4.905567&zoom=13&basemap=ESRI_topographic
> <,-4.905567&zoom=13&basemap=ESRI_topographic>>
> Looking down to the East. You were in the glen near the right side of this
> photo.
> <
> <>>
> I have photos from that same spot as in your photo and will try to dig them
> up. You can compare side-by-side.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: