Always enjoy reading moowisdom.
The Sony A7's IBIS will work in combination with lens stabilization. There are
a lot of good reasons to have lens stabilization at longer focal length.
Interesting article:
I really like the "fleabane flower going to seed".
At 6/20/2019 11:18 PM, Moose wrote:
>On 6/20/2019 4:54 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
>><<<Yup, 12-60 isn't a long as 12-100. And occasionally, but not too often, I
>>miss that coverage. OTOH, it's optically as good, so don't give anything away
>I guess I should have said that, with 20 MP, cropping is seldom a problem.
>>I am skeptical about the long end of the 12-200.
>As you should be. You aren't a travel zoom kind of guy. ;-)
>>It has weather sealing but I wonder if you can put it under a deluge like the
>I'll have to say, I wished I'd had a weather sealed body to go with the lens
>when we walked around Zion in the rain.
>>The sync IS with 12-100 is just remarkable!!
>Well the 12-60, in fact, all my Panny zooms, but the 7-14, have Panny's
>version, Dual-IS. Even the 42.5/1.7 has it. I don't know of any comparison of
>dual/sync OIS and IBIS systems. Not sure how one would go about making a good
>comparison, with so many FLs and shutter speeds, and the variation in human
>unsteadiness over the tests and between people.
>>Even at F4 the lack of subject isolation ability of the 12-100 can be a pain
>A point in favor of the faster 12-60 at the short end. It's a full stop faster
>@ 12 mm, narrowing down to nothing @ about 40 mm.
>> It is a tad sharper than the PL 12-60 at the long end as I recall.
>No argument here; it's almost infinitely better at 100 mm than the 12-60. :-DÂ
> As to 60 vs 60 mm, I just don't recall. I probably have the comparisons, shot
>in HR, but they are in practice, both excellent. In the field, with all the
>other factors, I think it's a toss-up. I've certainly got some great C-U
>photos, including those with achromat C-U lens and focus stacks. For the vast
>majority of nature close-up/macros, the corners don't matter a whit.
>>Here is a Marnie shot from Bhutan with the 12-100:
>Hey! That's my lens! Excellent photo!
>>I had to use a Moose processing procedure to improve the bokeh. Marnie
>>wants the reach.
>Makes perfect sense I would, too, if I didn't also carry the PLeica 100-400.
>She should be very happy, going from a 1745 g. monster camera/lens to an 1135
>g. combo with twice the reach.
>> Moose's point about the macro ability of the 12-60 is well taken and it is
>> clearly massively better at this from samples I've seen
>Just for fun, here's a stack taken Sunday, 12-60, Nikon 5T C-U lens, of a
>fleabane flower going to seed. <>
>> with the 12-20 and I know first hand with the 12-100. The 12-100 did not
>> like my Pentax achromatic diopter but may like the new
>>Siggie one Moose found. The PL is smaller and a better hiking lens but I
>>don't think nearly as weather proof.
> Sure wasn't bothered by the rain in Zion.
>> I think it has dual IS with Panny bodies.
>Indeed, as above.
>>They each have their place, but not sold on the 12-200.
>I'd be far more interested if it had OIS. I've had a lot of fun, and good
>results, with GM5 and Panny 14-140. I just discovered I had another gallery of
>photos from that combo. <>
>There are a couple of big crops of people shots. I notice now some artifacts
>in one that should be reprocessed in the latest DxO, but there's otherwise
>nothing to complain about.
>Where's the Panny 12-20, with OIS?
>Mixed Up Moose
>What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
>Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: