At 2/25/2019 09:32 PM, you wrote:
>On 2/25/2019 3:35 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
>>GM5 sensor accumulated >80 pixel blobs. I rocket blow the sensor before most
>>trips and have done so at least 3 times since these have shown up.
>IMO, the Rocket Blowers and ear syringes are worse than useless. They aren't
>powerful enough to remove anything much, but lead one to leave the sensor
>exposed while setting lots of dust swirling around.
I have a CO2 cartridge blower - American Recorder AMR-CO-2016 Dust Removing Gun.
The CO2 cartridges are "safe" for digital sensor. It gives a good blast.
As far as dust goes this works OK. I hold the camera with opening facing down.
Run the camera clean, which still left a blob on the sensor. This removed it
and I also blow the chamber to get any miscreant dust is still in there.
If the blob is persistent after Moose's suggestions you may have to resort to
methanol. I bet the standard HW store variety could work, but not guaranteed to
be as pure as Eclipse.
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