Somewhat the same here, which is why I've spent so much effort trying to
use Wratten filters in the E-50x. I still place a lot of value on getting it
right or close to right the first time around.
>> ...a back-of-the-napkin calculation is that I would have spent
>> somewhere north of $25,000 on film and processing if I did.
>Really? REALLY?
>One big difference between film and digital is that with film, you
>try to make every shot count, whereas with digital, you just fire
>away and sort it out later.
>In looking over my archive, I see that I literally took 1/10th as
>many photos when it was film.
>I think that if you had been shooting film, you would have been much
>more deliberate, and would have taken no more than a tenth as many
>photos... but what do I know?
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: