Sometimes subject beats colors - but educational to know.
All great shots and enjoyed seeing back east.
Makes me wonder if I will ever move back east from AZ. There is some magic near
the ocean. However, not thinking about ticks all the time is a boon for AZ.
At 1/5/2019 10:01 PM, you wrote:
>On 12/26/2018 11:15 AM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
>>CB writes:
>><<That is a good collection, Mike. And I like that area, although I suspect
>><<it will not be above sea level for many more decades at this rate.
>><<My favourite photo is Moose and Othello :-)
>>Thanks for looking. I like that one too. Othello and Moose have something
>>in common--a certain gravitas.
>A rare photo, as the other thing Othello and Moose have in common is mutual
>antipathy, well, let's just call it standoffishness. There is always blood, at
>some point.
>Interesting colors! Looks like this one was shot with daylight WB? Or Auto WB
>failed? <>
>But the interesting part is how bright, almost vibrant, the colors of my shirt
>are. I wish it were those colors! One of the things that seems to me to have
>happened to LLBean over the last several years is a greater conservatism in
>their fabrics. This multicolor plaid was a recent exception that I jumped on,
>but it is more muted in person than in this and the outdoor pic in Mike's set.
>Then there's the one that stumped me at first. I'm asking myself "What jacket
>of mine is that?" And yes, it could be one I own - but I didn't take that one
>on this trip!
>Further investigation revealed that it's a Green jacket, not Blue.
>(BTW, I'm not holding the camera highly tilted, that's the lens cap in my left
>hand. :-)
>Tricky morning light.
>Colorful Moose
>What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
>Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: