I know that at least some of the meat I eat has no growth hormones or
antibiotics in it: the meat from the deer I hunt. I use copper bullets
rather than lead ones, so no tiny fragments of lead can scatter in the
meat. Take clean shots only (never shot at a running deer), field dress
carefully, skin the deer while it's hanging off the ground, butcher inside
on a clean surface with plenty of clean water handy, wrap cuts carefully.
No worries of bacteria or chemicals. Deer store their fat in masses that
are easily removed while butchering, unlike beef fat which is marbled in
the meat, so a venison steak is close to 100% protein. Besides no hormones
or antibiotics, that steak has not a single added molecule of
Heterocyclic amines
(HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that Ken N mentions. I
know exactly what I'm eating, and not eating, in this instance.
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