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Re: [OM] Damned Smart(ass) Phone

Subject: Re: [OM] Damned Smart(ass) Phone
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 20:34:53 -0700
On 4/25/2018 11:06 AM, Chris Trask wrote:
      I found that I already have an account, so it might not like me 
establishing a second one.  Doesn't matter as I do not want to have anything to 
do with Google.

Then get out of Android. Android OS IS Google. Google developed and controls the major, mainstream releases. As the source code is open source, anyone may do anything they want with it for their own purposes. Google includes important proprietary apps in their releases, maintaining some control of them.

Obviously, it's not unworkable, or it wouldn't be the OS with the most users in the world. OTOH, it seems the exact opposite of what I would expect you to be happy with.

Apple iOS is rigidly controlled by Apple. Apps may only be sold/bought through their App Store*. Thus the environment is as close to safe as anything connected to the Web.

Google Play is far from as tight as Apple, but there is some effort to exclude the outright dangerous. The other sources are like the wild west. It's sort of like using the WiFi at your coffee shop; bad things can and will happen, with some regularity.

If you keep this phone unconnected with the world, and used only for GPS, it 
should be fine.

I do find "not want anything to do with Google" and use of Android amusing.

* Exceptions being insignificant, not impossible.

This and the lack of USB may be due to the phone not being activated.

      Speaking of which, internet service down here has really slowed down.  
Most of the time, even on wifi, I'm waiting for third party sites to reply, and 
the bulk of them are googlefonts, googleadservices, googleapis, googlethis, and 
googlethat.  They are certainly becoming a monopoly, and they are slowing 
everything down.
      Google Play refuses to let me establish an account, so that
option is not available.
Warning! Warning!

Something is amiss. I'm talking show-stopper, stop the presses, type
of thing.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
      - Hunter S. Thompson

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