One of the stories here:
We had an unfortunate space/time continuum problem on the highway (the
only multi-lane highway in Alaska) into Anchorage. An oversized load
(a modular building) collided with an overpass. It was the ONLY
overpass that could have caused this type of nightmare, as all the
others would have had an adequate bypass that wouldn't have put all
the traffic through Eagle River on grade-level streets. The normal
commute rush hour through this segment is nearly 50,000 vehicles. All
50,000 now having to migrate down to a single lane through over five
miles of streets. Yes, it was ugly. It took over six hours for most
people to make it through.
Well, most people didn't. The only reason why the traffic jam cleared
is because everybody turned around and went back home.
I was able to sneak through because I live on the south part of town
(north side was impassible) and I knew a side street that nobody's
navigation system is aware of...
Except everybody does now...
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: