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Re: [OM] Upcoming total solar eclipse in US

Subject: Re: [OM] Upcoming total solar eclipse in US
From: Dean Hansen <hanse112@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 21:46:29 -0500
     Many thanks to all who responded to my post about catching the solar
eclipse next Monday.  I'll be relying on arc-welder goggle material to
protect my eyes.  It works well.
      My photo thoughts are with the Super 8 mm movie camera.  There are
3,700 frames on a 50 foot roll of this film, and my Canon 1014 XLS can be
set to take a single frame every 1, 5, 20, or 60 seconds.  At one
frame/second, I'll be able to record 3,700 frames, or just over 60 minutes
of the eclipse.  So I'll start the sequence 30 minutes before totality and
will be able to record until 30 minutes after totality.  Total length of
totality on the time-lapse will be just under 8 seconds.  The camera will
be pointed at the landscape to the south, away from the sun.  f-stop will
be locked at whatever reading is correct at the start of the run.   I'll
let the internals of the 1014 do their work;  I've decided to just
experience the two plus minutes of totality in awe.
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