Chris, I use several MF lenses, but I do find it advantageous to use some
modern software-corrected lenses to get AF. It all depends on the subject.
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On Jul 1, 2017, at 5:47 PM, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> My first E-500 came with those lenses.
>>> No, it did not.
>>> It may have come with lenses of the same focal length ranges, but Jez is
>>> referring to newer, smaller, lighter - and optically better, lenses for
>>> µ4/3 mount.
>> Thanks Moose - I'm sure that as several years have passed the lenses have
>> got better (even if software correction is needed for some distortions) so
>> I suspect that what were reasonable Nikon lenses in 2004 are probably
>> surpassed by cheap-and-cheerful 2017 lenses.
> That certainly explains a lot. I could not understand why people were
> saying positive things about those two lenses, but I did not understand that
> there were NEW! IMPROVED! versions. But now I have to ask why one would
> invest in a lens that requires software distortion correction when older MF
> lenses do the same without the software crutch?
> Chris
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