Olympus America can supply me with cable/plug assemblies, and I have a source
of trigger transformers.
The old OM-System T-Power Control only works manually on digital cameras, but
only has two power settings that way, severely limiting the functionality of
the OM-System T-8 and T-10 ringlights, which offer unique capabilities
unmatched with modern digital ringlights, like a crossed polarizer for the T-10
and huge reflectors for the T-8.
The FC-01 Flash Controller does full TTL automatic flash control with all
Olympus digital cameras, to my knowledge, but does not do focus bracketing nor
focus stacking on the newest ones.
The latest Olympus macro flash offering has a hard-wired, non-removable flash
head, and I have no interest in messing with that.
If anyone is interested in converting their OM-System T-8 or T-10 ringlight to
work with the FC-01 flash controller, contact me privately and we can work out
the details. I’m happy doing this for list members for $25/hr. Or I can walk
you through it, if you’re handy with soldering and such.
(If I do it “on speculation,” I’m going to set an exorbitant “only one in the
universe” price on evilBay. :-)
Options: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/listinfo/olympus
Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/