>The 510 offers Oly's first (?) IBIS, and why would you need the micro usb?
>Just use a card reader and you're good.
The micro USB is convenient, and it avoids handling memory devices that
are sometime static-sensitive. Plus you can damage the CF pins if you're not
>The 500 is indeed an earlier camera then the 410, which was introduced
>alongside the 510. The 410 being slightly more compact, but with the
>smaller battery (bls, like in the Pens) and without the IBIS. The kitlens
>changed to the smaller and well regarded 14-42mm.
>Outside North America they sold the 400 briefly. Same body like the
>410/420/450, but no live view. It had the last Kodak m43 sensor though.
>Nice for Ken ;-). They are quite cheap here in Europe (they all are).
>Why TIFF? You need RAW for most of the dymic range and colors, compared to
>more modern camera's you already compromise quite a bit (..;-) with an
>older sensor.
Mmmm... With the uncompressed TIFF I get one byte per colour per pixel,
about a 24M file size. Now I get ALL of the available dynamic range and
colours without any compromise. I cannot comprehend why they didn't retain
this feature in later models.
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