Now that is a tiddler compared to the height of this thing !
found on the south shore of the outer reaches of the Saint Lawrence
Seaway in Quebec at ~110 meters high and the world's tallest structure
of its kind.
What the write ups don't tell you is that the thing rotated on its axis
for a couple of years generating electricity. Then the time came for a
lube job of the bearings at ground level. Unfortunately the Quebec
engineers who built the thing discovered that the above ground drive
structure and rotating vertical shaft were so heavy that it was
impossible to raise it at all to do any lubrication. Today it is a
relic, a museum piece and a photo op for stray helicopters. A classic
example of government waste and incompetence.
Here's a photo of my wife at ground level taken a year or two ago.
On 2/10/2017 8:26 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
What is the height of these silos?
This one is about 120 feet.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: