As you say, Moose, an endless search. However, I like the sound of the GM5 and
small, short zoom, now that you have qualified it somewhat. I’ve never thought
to check the quality of 4/3 vs 1” sensor, although what you have discovered
makes sense.
Hmmm . . . (and thanks)
> On 10 Nov 16, at 05:52, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That leaves the ZS100, of those you mention. Having extensively used the GM
> series and GX7, above it and the ZS40 and 50 below it, I believe it would
> please me to operate and give good results.
> It's interesting about the GM5. I don't really consider it part of my (too?)
> extensive range of µ4/3 lenses. Those bodies don't have IBIS, and most of the
> lenses don't have OIS. In a way, it could just as easily have a different
> lens mount. The two lenses specifically designed for the GM series are
> marvels, amazingly small and light, but good performers. With 12-35, the GM5
> is eminently jacket pocketable, but not shirt or jeans. As Mike points out,
> the other lens fits easily into the other jacket pocket.
> I suppose the real question might be what you find wanting in the XQ2, and
> which would be adequately improved by a 1" sensor camera, with whatever other
> features.
> I've just done some noodling in the dpreview Image Comparator, a marvelous
> resource. @ 100%, there are very clear improvements in resolution and high
> ISO performance as one goes up the sensor size ladder. The RX100, for
> example, is noticeably better than the XQ2, but the difference going up to a
> 4/3 sensor, with the GM5 as my example, is an even greater step up,
> especially at higher ISOs.
> It seems that a compromise must be reached between form factor, EVF, zoom
> range and IQ. I'm so enamored with the fun and great shots I've had from the
> ZS40/50 with that 24-720 mm eq. zoom that the 250 eq. long end of the ZS100
> sounds boring - even with better IQ. :-) But when I want IQ in a compact
> camera, I'm happy to put up with the size of the GM5.
> As I've mentioned, I was happy to handle the size of GM5 with 14-140 as a
> casual small, but not pocketable, camera, and very happy with the results.
> Very small for the zoom range, but with OM-D level IQ.
> Good luck with the endless search . . . :-)
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