Thanks, Moose. I thought that you might come up with a different plan; I have
considered a µ43 body, but I don’t fancy another line of lenses.
I don’t think that I’ll buy another 1/2.3” sensor model; I’ll stick with my XQ2
until I find my ideal replacement – I forgot to mention that I’d like to be
able to put the camera into a pocket.
> On 7 Nov 16, at 20:35, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/7/2016 10:29 AM, ChrisB wrote:
>> I know that Bob has a RX100 MkIV, but does anyone else on the List have
>> another high-end compact that they can recommend?
> Sure. Panny GM5 with 12-32 kit lens (24-64 eq.) ;-) If you need more reach,
> and can stand changing lenses for it, the 35-100 is also amazingly small, yet
> good.
>> I am thinking of the 1” sensor models, such as the Panny TZ100 or LX15.
> Of the three you mention, the choice would be easy for me. The LX100 doesn't
> have a, EVF, so it's out for sometimes out in the summer sun use. The FL
> range on the LX100 and RX100 isn't long enough to please me, as I know from
> experience with other compacts (Most notably, the 28-140 G11 and 24-120
> S100.) So it would be the ZS100 for me.
> As it happens, I tend to bracket that category, as it seems not fish nor foul
> for me. I use either 4/3, as above, for IQ, or a longer travel zoom with
> smaller sensor, for lesser, but still decent IQ, in good light and for zoom
> reach. My current axe in that category is a Panny ZS50. It improves on the
> previous model with 12, vs. 18 MP - better lower light performance - and an
> improved EVF, while the next model goes back to 18 MP and other
> 'improvements' that don't matter to me.
> The first row and all of the second but the last image here were taken with
> the ZS40.
> <
> <>>
> Most would not exist with a 3x zoom camera.
> For our recent trip, I carried a GM5 with 14-140 zoom when not using my
> serious, two camera kit. So far, I'm very pleased with the results. No, not
> quite compact, but worked for me. I took the small 12-32 & 35-100 zoom pair
> along, but didn't use them.
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